It is hard to believe that it has been nearly a year ago that two of our special kittens, Chance and Hope were adopted. You may remember Chance and Hope. They, along with their sister Destiny, were born with a congenital deformity called eyelid agenesis (the incomplete formation of the eyelids). Before adoption, they had two surgeries called cryosurgery and are doing just great!
This is what their new family has to say:
We adopted Chance and Hope almost a year ago this May. I was a little nervous when first adopting them since they were born with 60-80% of their eyelids missing and had undergone two surgeries. My worries were put to rest once we brought them home. Chance and Hope only require lubricating eye ointment once a day. It is easy to do, and they are used to it. Both cats love to play with their toys and chase each other around the house. My kids absolutely adore Chance and Hope and tell their friends how cute they are on a regular basis. Both cats like to be close by and often nap in their boxes right next to me while I am using my computer, or sit near my husband while he is working downstairs. Hope and Chance are very affectionate and enjoy being petted on a regular basis. Hope likes to sit on laps, and Chance likes to sit right next to you. Chance will even let the kids carrying him around the house. We are so glad that Chance and Hope are a part of our lives!
Thank you!
Karen, Michael, Eli and Sammy